IWCP - International Women's Club of Paraná

IWCP Membership

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Welcome to the International Women's Club of Paraná, (IWCP) membership information page.

The club has a monthly luncheon for the members, members guests, and anyone who might be interested in joining the IWCP. These luncheons are generally held in restaurants, each person paying for her own meal, but may also occur at member locations with a pot luck style.

Other activities such as reading group, children´s playgroup, bridge, visits, informations meetings, dinners, etc. will be developed in accordance with the interests of the club members, and every member is encouraged to make suggestions.

The Pine Post newsletter is an integral part of your membership in the IWCP.  It is published electronically and in hardcopy version and distributed to all member once per month.  The newsletter's goal is to keep members informed of the club's activities, local events, member's birthdays and much more.  Members may contact any board member or email us for archive issues of the Pine Post.

The annual subscription fee is R$ 125,00. For new members, the fee will be assessed at a proportional rate, rounded to the nearest quarter year.  The annual fee includes a monthly copy of the Pine Post, membership directory and more.

A portion of these dues, as well as money raised through events, (totaling 60% of the funds remaining at the end of the year) is used to make a difference through charitable donations.  The club includes a Charity Committee whose purpose is the learn where these funds can be put to the best use.  For example, the Club purchased a Respirator for the Intensive Care Departement of a Children´s Hospital ( Pequeno Principe ), Priority Goods as refrigerator, industrial washing machine, industrial stove, beds and different kind of furniture and some construction material to build extra rooms for an Orphanage of children whose parents died of AIDS (ACOA) and some Medical Equipment for the Burn unit of a Hospital (Hospital Evangelico).  Creché Marina was the beneficiary for the 2005 fiscal year.  If you would like to learn more about charity or join the Committee, you are welcome to contact us.

If you are interested in joining the IWCP, or have any queries, please contact us by email.

Please click here to contact us by email.

The IWCP is a non-profit, non-secretarian, non-political organization whose main purpose is to provide a forum through which international women can meet in Curitiba.